Monthly Archives: February 2014

Cover reveal for “The Year We Fell Down” (New Adult Romance)

The year
She expected to start Harkness College as a varsity ice hockey player. But a serious accident means that Corey Callahan will start school in a wheelchair instead.
Across the hall, in the other handicapped-accessible dorm room, lives the too-delicious-to-be real Adam Hartley, another would-be hockey star with his leg broken in two places. He’s way out of Corey’s league.
Also, he’s taken.
Nevertheless, an unlikely alliance blooms between Corey and Hartley in the “gimp ghetto” of McHerrin Hall. Over tequila, perilously balanced dining hall trays, and video games, the two cope with disappointments that nobody else can quite understand.
They’re just friends, of course, until one night when things fall apart. Or fall together. All Corey knows is that she’s falling. Hard.
But will Hartley set aside his trophy girl to love someone as broken as Corey? If he won’t, she will need to find the courage to make a life for herself at Harkness — one which does not revolve around the sport she can no longer play, or the brown-eyed boy who’s afraid to love her back.
Warm, funny, and often heartbreaking, The Year We Fell Down is New Adult contemporary romance. Contains: hot hockey players, too many pairs of crutches, gallows humor, Princess Bride references, and a slightly outrageous vibrator scene. (Sexual situations make the book suitable for ages 18+.)
The expected publication date is Monday, March 17th, 2014, on all of your favorite e-book websites.
Sarina Bowen writes contemporary romance and new adult fiction from the Green Mountains of Vermont. She lives with her husband, two children, eight chickens and an unwieldy pile of ski and hockey equipment.

Valentine story (freebie) in the world of Boreal and John Grey

Hey guys. I am currently writing episode 5 in the second season of Boreal and John Grey, and I thought to give you a little interlude with Finn and Ella in honor of Valentine’s Day. It’s a short story about memories and love and fear – and I promise this time no gore and blood and fighting… I hope you like it!

You will find the file in the link underneath the picture below. Let me know if you have any problem downloading it. It’s a PDF as this is the only format wordpress will let me upload.

The story is also available on amazon, but I’m not posting the link not to confuse you.

So… here you go. Happy Valentine’s. Have a great day and happy reading. 🙂





New release: The Loop – Episode 4 (Boreal and John Grey Season II)

Hi guys. This will be a brief post, just to announce the release of The Loop – Episode 4 (Boreal and John Grey Season II) 🙂




You know you’ve reached your lowest low when you turn to your enemy for help — who also happens to be your boss and servant of the Dark Elves. But Ella can see no other choice as massive Gates open, the Shades attack from all sides, and Finn’s nightmares reveal a past darker than she’d ever thought possible.
But when the enemy is the only one with answers, Ella will do what she must to save Finn, and possibly, the world.

I hope you are enjoying Boreal and John Grey.

I am also preparing a short Valentine Day’s story for you with Ella and Finn, so stay tuned. 😉