Daily Archives: April 29, 2014

Cover Reveal for TEMPTED (A BirthRight Novel #2) by Brandi Leigh Hall

TEMPTED (A BirthRight Novel #2)

Sweet NA Paranormal Romance

by Brandi Leigh Hall

Release Date: May 27, 2014


What if the very thing to save you—is the one thing beyond your reach?

Torn between the two men who have fallen for her—and the evil who wants to possess her—twenty-year-old Chloe Bishop can no longer remember the fatal vision which threatens her future happiness. But when the magical link is severed between Chloe and her Wiccan family, they must find a way to save her before temptation leads her into darkness—and into the welcoming arms of Mr. Wrong.


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After nearly a decade working in NYC (Marketing & PR), Brandi moved back to central PA to be closer to her mother. Although she still works in the same field, a less chaotic life away from the city has given Brandi the freedom to fulfill her childhood dream of writing a novel. In no time at all, that single young adult book turned into an entire series — along with four additional series’ she has planned over the next few years.

Growing up in a haunted house inspired Brandi’s fascination with the paranormal, so it only made sense that she’d write Urban Fantasy for both teens and adults.


Brandi’s an active member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA), Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal (FF&P), Young Adult Romance Writers of America (YARWA) and Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).






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Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20486768-tempted